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HSB identification


The 16th of September is known as International Identity Day. This special day has been initiated by many identity stakeholders (including public, governmental, nonprofit and institutions of public interest) as an outcome of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDG).

It is not a coincidence that we promote this day on the 16th of the 9th month (September) as it is promoting Sustainability Development Goal 16.9: “By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration”.

According to the World Bank, an estimated one billion people around the globe face challenges in regards to their legal identity. 81% of this group is living in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The International Identity Day was first introduced in 2018 to raise awareness for this problem and the importance identity plays in empowering individuals (man and women), families and businesses to exercise their rights and responsibilities fairly and equitably in a modern society in all regions.

HSB identification helps people to create their own unique identity. We innovate and deliver electronic identification solutions. With our products and services we create unique identity for everyone! As an example we delivered a biometric identity solution in Djibouti with success. With our help Djibouti already registered:

  • More than 60.000 households
  • 300.000 + individuals

With our help people around the world will be able to identify themselves, cross borders, vote and use health care.